General terms and conditions

95% of our orders are completed and shipped on the next business day. However, Stickerkid cannot be responsible for delivery delays or any additional import charges applied by the country.
A slight difference in color or background between the website illustrations or in brochures and the end product cannot be accepted as a cause for refund or exchange.
After the successful payment, you will receive a copy of your invoice per email with all the details of your order.



In case of errors or mistakes on our part, we undertake to remedy as soon as possible. However, complaints must reach us within ten days of receipt of delivery.

This does not apply to design or spelling errors (e.g. wrong choice of colors, wrong phone numbers or forgotten letters), which have not been claimed by email within 30 minutes after receipt of the order confirmation. In order to produce your order within 24 hours, we cannot make any changes to your order after it has been placed. Found a typo, or have any other question? However, do not hesitate to contact us, we will still try to find the best possible as well as quick solution with you.

In the case of errors for which we are not responsible, the ordered goods cannot be returned or exchanged, but we will be happy to find a solution together with you.
All our products are subject to high quality requirements. Stickerkid is not liable for material or immaterial damages in case of improper use.


Jurisdiction and applicable law:

The applicable law is Swiss law and the courts of Geneva are competent to settle all disputes arising from our sales.

If you chose "Invoice by CembraPay as a payment method, you also accept those conditions

CembraPay Invoice

These terms and conditions are the terms and conditions of CembraPay AG ("CembraPay") for the "CembraPay invoice". With the choice and use of the "CembraPay invoice“ with the Merchant, you confirm that you agree to the validity of these terms and conditions. The current version of these terms and conditions applies when you make a purchase.


Credit standing check & assignment of the purchase price claim

Intrum AG checks your credit standing before and/or during the conclusion of the purchase from the Merchant. If you select the CembraPay invoice with partial payment option, the Merchant shall assign the purchase price claim to CembraPay. In this case, CembraPay takes possession of the purchase price claim ("Claim") and handles payment processing. You enter into a direct contractual relationship with CembraPay regarding the Claim and must pay the Claim directly to CembraPay. As long as CembraPay has an outstanding claim against you, address changes are to be communicated to CembraPay without undue delay.


Payment terms

If you have selected „CembraPay invoice“ you pay the purchase price by invoice. The payment deadline corresponds to 20 days, starting from the invoice date. After expiration of the aforementioned payment deadline without receipt of payment, the complete claim invoiced is due and the customer is automatically in default of payment for the entire outstanding claim without a reminder. If you are in default of payment, CembraPay can hire a debt collection company in Switzerland or abroad or assign the claim.


Interest and fees

Interest of 14.9% per year (360 days) is charged on all outstanding amounts in case of payment default. In addition to the price of the goods, for business customers (B2B) we charge an administration fee of up to CHF 5.00 per invoice. A fee of CHF 4.25 is charged per postal sending in paper form. If there are arrears in payment arrears, we first send a reminder by email and later by regular postal mail (no email reminder if postal mail sending is activated). We levy dunning charges of up to CHF 30.00 for each individual reminder. If you do not immediately inform us about an address change, we will charge you CHF 30.00 for address enquiries. If the email address is invalid, CembraPay can send the invoice/reminder via regular postal mail and charge an additional fee of CHF 10.00. A refund, which is not related to a product defect or a product recall, will incur a processing fee of CHF 25.00.


Default interest, collection fee

Default interest of 14.9% p.a. (360 days) applies to the balance of the receivables. Costs if transferred to a collection agency: Collection fee in CHF, based on the amount of the receivables: 37 (up to 19); 58 (up to 59); 145 (up to 399); 225 (up to 999); 285 (up to 1,999); 385 (up to 2,999); 575 (up to 4,999); 685 (up to 6,999); 825 (up to 9,999); 1,375 (up to 19,999); 2,600 (up to 49,999); 6% of the receivables (from 50,000). CembraPay is entitled to transfer the outstanding invoice amount(s) or the right to receive payments pursuant to these provisions to third parties. The collection agency is authorized to handle the claim without restrictions.

Chemin Grély 17A
1950 Sion, Switzerland