Manufacturing and Quality

Quality: uses the highest quality material to provide you with the best possible stickers. We take great care in selecting the materials, papers, inks and machines used in completing your order. We took our time selecting the most malleable and flexible adhesive, allowing you to apply the stickers to any surface. Despite our extensive research, our adhesive does not work on Teflon. Our plastification consists of an extremely thin film, only a few dozen microns so as not to alter the flexibility of our stickers. But we use top-of-the-line material to ensure longevity in our product. Once applied, the sticker will resist the test of time for years. For our textile labels, we guarantee that they will withstand 45 machine washes at a temperatures of 60 degrees Celsius. These labels are washing machine and tumble dryer resistant.


To ensure top quality, all of our products are manufactured by us in Switzerland. We control the entire production chain from start to finish, and no part of the process is outsourced. This allows us greater flexibility and responsiveness in meeting our clients specific demands.

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