4 New Year’s resolutions to plan with your children

4 New Year’s resolutions to plan with your children

New year means new resolutions! Help your kids keep track of all their stuff, so they don't lose, forget or swap any gloves, snack boxes and pens in the first week back after the Christmas holidays! And at the same time, keep the house organized: a jacket here, a toy there, books here, missing socks... every parent's worst nightmare! Be more efficient by not wasting 29 hours a year looking for lost things and enjoy spending this precious time with your children instead.

With a clear focus on tidying and organizing, Stickerkid suggests 4 new year’s resolutions to make with your children in order to avoid losing, forgetting and swapping their things.

  1. Labelling all school supplies
  2. Sorting out their clothes
  3. Tidying the bookshelf
  4. Sorting out toys after Christmas

New year’s resolution #1: Labelling your child's school stuff

The first new year’s resolution to make for the start of the second term is: no more school supplies will be lost, forgotten or swapped! And if something does get lost, it‘ll be found again quickly thanks to customizable name labels. Moreover, labelling children's school supplies is highly recommended - even compulsory in some schools.

It’s the first week back at school after the Christmas break and already half of the school supplies are lost? Save yourself a nightmare by labelling their items, if you haven't already done so at the start of the school year, and remember to include all the school supplies your child is likely to lose: pencils, pens, lunch boxes, rulers and notebooks. Each item needs its own personalized label If your child has gotten more new school supplies during the Christmas period, all the more reason to label everything!



By personalizing the name labels online and applying them to the items together with your kids, they’ll certainly be more aware of lost and forgotten items. These individual and customizable labels should save you a lot of headaches!



New year’s resolution #2: reorganizing the wardrobe and labelling the clothes

The second excellent resolution to start the year off right is to tidy up your child's wardrobe. Although this task is normally done in early spring, why not take a little time to sort out your child's wardrobe at the beginning of the year?

With your child's help, sort out the winter clothes, moving all the things that are useful for the cold season to the front: thick jumpers, warm trousers, thick socks, gloves, hats and ski equipment. Make the most of this and put the clothes that your child no longer wears to one side, so you can sell it, give to friends and family or donate it.



Once the sorting process is done, your new year’s resolution is only half complete! To prevent your child's winter clothes from being lost or swapped, we recommend that you label each item with a personalized name label. According to a study by Stickerkidhats and gloves are among the items most often lost by children!

The personalized labels are easy to attach and they’ll stay in place on socks, jumpers, gloves, hats, scarves and ski gear. For clothing, you can choose between iron-on labels or short-term labels or long lasting self-adhesive labels  to be stuck directly onto the inside laundry label of the clothes.


Choose the perfect clothing labels


You can even label your children's winter boots and shoes with specially designed stickers . All of your children's skiing equipment for family fun in the snow or upcoming school camps could also be labelled. For this purpose, opt for personalized labels for objects that can easily be stuck onto helmets, goggles and ski poles. A little tip from us: short-term labels are versatile and make it quick and easy to label both clothing and objects.

New year's resolution #3: cleaning and organizing the bookshelf

The third new year's resolution can easily be discussed on a cold, gloomy afternoon - a great opportunity to sort out the books on the shelf that have been gathering dust all year. This resolution involves the whole family, young and old! Except for those with strong sentimental value, there are surely many books that you no longer read, right?

Whether it's for you or your child, there are often many books that are no longer read, but remain on the shelf at home, a bit like ornaments. So don't hesitate! Have a good clearout and tell your children to do the same with the books they no longer read or which are no longer suitable for their age. 



But remember: don't just throw away books! They all have a second life: sell them on the internet (Facebook Marketplace or Ebay for instance) or donate them to charity shops or at a flea market. A lot of people buy them secondhand. Alternatively, you can also put them in donation boxes specifically for books, if there are any near you.

Once you have sorted out all of your books, it is time to give your bookshelf a good clean. That's it! That's a great and useful thing to do with your kids on a cold, grey Sunday and a good new year’s resolution!

Another tip from us: if your child takes his or her favourite books to school, to friends' houses or on outings, don't forget to label them with our self-adhesive book and notebook labels It will save you both money and tears!

New year’s resolution #4: Sorting out the toys after Christmas

The last good resolution to make for the New Year is to sort out your children's toys. As you know, Christmas is all about toys for children. Whether it's dolls, games consoles, sports equipment or the latest fashionable toys, your child will most likely have received a lot of great gifts for Christmas. The beginning of the year is therefore the perfect time to sort out their old toys, to make room for the new and declutter their rooms.

Make your kids aware that they should only keep the toys they use. New toys received at Christmas can, for example, replace some of the others. Also explain that the aim is not to have as many toys as possible and that it is better to give them to other children who don’t necessarily have any themselves and would much appreciate them. 



As an example, you can sell them on the internet (on Facebook Marketplace or Ebay) or at a flea market, or donate unused toys to organizations, charities, family members or friends. A nice gesture for a good new year’s resolution that will have a positive effect on the tidiness of your home.

To prevent your child from losing, forgetting or swapping the new toys and other gifts they received at Christmas, create fully personalized labels with their name, surname or telephone number. This way, even if a toy is lost or forgotten, it will be more likely to find its way back to you. Furthermore, labelling your child's new toys also means making them unique and extra special with a 100% personalized label.


Create your own customized name labels


From our different types of labels for objects, choose the size that best fits your children's toys. , mini , large , round ou heart-shaped our customizable labels will fit all kinds of objects of different shapes and sizes. Whether it's a tennis racket, a musical instrument, a game console, toy cars, dolls or a smartphone cover, make sure that each item is labelled neatly with your child’s name!

How can I create my own personalized labels?

Labelling your children's belongings is definitely a great and useful new year’s resolution! School supplies, winter clothes or new toys, everything can be labelled to avoid loss, forgetfulness or accidentally swapping with other children. But how can you personalize your sticker labels? It’s incredibly simple!

First, choose the type of labels you need: for objects , iron-on labels for clothes , self-adhesive labels to stick on clothes or even for shoes Then, with your child's help, you can fully personalize the stickers by adding a name, surname, telephone number or any other message and an illustration or character. You can also personalize the label with the desired colour and font. A fun and creative process to do with your child to simplify your daily life and start the new year right!

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